What is MMA YOGA?

Jason has combined his knowledge of yoga and martial arts to create the 'MMA Yoga' system. The MMA Yoga System will provide you with physical benefits such as...

 - Increased flexibility

 - Increased muscle strength and tone

 - Improved respiration, energy and vitality

​ - The maintenance of a balanced metabolism

 - Weight reduction

 - Cardio and ciculatory health

 - Improved athletic performance

 - Protection from injury 

Benefits Directly Related to Martial Arts

Focus / Concentration

- Increased awareness of your opponents body movement (ability to read your opponents moves = telegraphing)
- Increased ability to focus on technique and specific details that may otherwise be overlooked
- Improved accuracy with your striking (precision)


- Improved ability to remember the step by step sequence for techniques (clear mind)
- Allows you to access all of the tools / weapons / techniques you posses
- A deeper more in depth understanding of technique (awareness)

During Training

- Enhances energy, strength and vigor
- Increase creativity (allows you to combine techniques and be artistic)
- Develops intuition (the ability to know what to do – see your opponents weaknesses)
- Increased emotional stability (the ability to remain calm during a fight / competition)
- Easier to remove bad habits (awareness of your Bad Habits and the ability to change them)
- Gives composure (Never allow your opponent to know you’ve been hurt)
- Helps living in the present moment (focus on the task at hand)
- Lowers oxygen consumption + decreases respiratory rate + It increases blood flow and slows the heart rate  ( Your cardio and stamina will improve)
- Improved flow of air to the lungs resulting in easier breathing (listening to your breath has a calming effect)
- Less energy wasted (only use the muscles you have to, let everything else relax)
- Increased range of motion through flexibility gains

- Improved balance while throwing strikes or defending takedowns

Post Training

- Reduces stress and muscle tension carried throughout the body (leads to deeper levels of relaxation which is important for recovery)
- Enhances the immune system so you won’t get sick as often
- Purifies your character (calms the ego)
- Improved performance in athletic events ( due to all of the reasons above)
- Need less sleep to recover from sleep deprivation (Require less time to fall asleep)
- Increases listening skills (to listen to your coaches and training partners for advice)
 - Helps make more accurate judgments (awareness)

The program will be released in the fall of 2015.

To find out more about Jason check out his website -